Welcome to Music & Miracles!

 by Allyson Rogers, MT-BC

Hi, I’m Allyson. I’m a music therapist, singer/songwriter, graduate student, mom to two fur babies, and (now) blogger. I wrote this post to share a little about myself and the purpose of this blog. 

I became a music therapist because I have experienced and believe in the healing power of music (and creativity in general). In my childhood and adolescence I used songwriting, song listening, dancing, singing, and instrument playing as ways to cope with changes and stressors in my life. Creativity helped me express what I couldn’t put into words. The best moments were when my favorite artists/bands released songs that captured what I was going through. It felt like they “got me” and I wasn’t alone.

I started my music therapy journey at Texas Woman’s University where I graduated in 2017 with a BS in Music Therapy. I worked in various settings including schools, in-home, hospitals, and within the community. However, I always knew my calling was to create a private practice that supported mental health and perinatal mental health. So, here we are!

My passion is to help others discover their own creativity and to encourage them to use music to support their wellbeing. It is my hope this blog will provide you resources, tips, and inspiration for everything from stress management to bonding. Let me know if there is something you want to see in the future.

Thanks for visiting! 


If you are interested in learning about our music therapy services, reach out to us on the Contact page or send an email to info@mandmtherapy.com.